5 Best Guard Dogs for Your House Security: Why to Choose Dog Pet Sitter in Lakewood Co for Training Them

5 Best Guard Dogs for Your House Security: Why to Choose Dog Pet Sitter in Lakewood Co for Training Them

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Choosing the right guard dog for your home's security is crucial, but it can be challenging without proper guidance. You want to choose the one who is loyal, strong and has the instinct to protect.

Another challenging aspect to deal with is the training of such dogs.

That’s because, without proper training, these powerful dogs can become a liability rather than an asset. Untrained guard dogs may exhibit aggressive behavior or fail to respond appropriately in a security situation. Surprisingly, you can ask a professional dog pet sitter in Lakewood, CO, to train them. But before selecting a trainer, first, take a look at the best guard dog breeds and how sitters can train them.

5 Best Guard Dog Breeds for Security

1.     German Shepherd

German shepherds hold the top position among the guard dogs for several reasons. This breed is known to be far more intelligent and loyal than other guard dogs. Besides their intelligence and physique, they are also quite beautiful. They possess an insane level of strength with a biting force of 290 psi which is enough to rip the flesh of any intruder. Other than just strength they are also agile and flexible.

Unlike other guard dogs, they have greater stamina and speed than all other dogs. German Shepherds are highly trainable, able to learn complex tasks quickly, and are known for their ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations. Their protective nature and loyalty make them excellent family guardians

2.     Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the most famous guard dog breeds found in America. They are known to be the most fearless dogs for their endurance and instincts. Previously, they were used as hearing dogs to protect livestock from wild animals, but further, they were categorized as guard dogs for homes due to their ability to be trained and disciplined. While they aren't as agile as the German shepherd, they are still far stronger, with a bite force of 328 psi.

While they can resist strangers, they are devoted and affectionate with their families and caretakers. According to a Dog Pet Sitter in Lakewood Co, these dogs have a calm and stable temperament combined with their instinct of smell. They are one of the most reliable dogs that can help protect your home from all types of threats and intruders if trained properly.

3.     Doberman Pinscher

Whenever anyone says guard dog, the first picture created in our brains is of a slim black dog with pointy ears. These appearance features refer to Doberman Pinscher. They are highly energetic, alert, and loyal dogs often used in security roles. Their sleet and athletic physique with sharp minds is perfect for performing various tasks.

Whether for surveillance or to catch someone, these dogs are perfect for both. Dobermans are known for their loyalty and affection towards their families, forming strong bonds and acting as vigilant protectors. They are naturally wary of strangers, which, paired with their keen senses, makes them excellent guard dogs. With proper training, Dobermans can be disciplined protectors and loving family members.

4.     Bullmastiff

Bullmastiffs are known for their strength, alertness, and courage. They were originally bred to guard estates and private properties. They naturally love to protect their territory and caretakers. Apart from their territory and loved ones, they are powerful enough and capable of preventing the intrusion of any stranger.

Despite their size, they are gentle and affectionate with their families and show a calm and docile attitude. They can be protective without being overly aggressive and expressive. Their loyalty and gentle nature towards family members, combined with their intuitive guarding abilities, ensure they provide protection and companionship.

5.     Belgian Malinois

This breed of guard dogs are very energetic, intelligent, and protective dogs frequently used by police and the military. Due to their amazing ability to learn and work ethic. They are agile and swift, with a strong desire to complete duties and satisfy their handlers. Belgian Malinois are recognized for being alert and sensitive, making them excellent security dogs.

They create close ties with their families and are very devoted, providing protection and affection. Their high energy levels require regular physical and mental stimulation, yet they perform as both working dogs and family guards with the right training.

Why Choose a Dog Pet Sitter in Lakewood Co for Training Your Guard Dogs?

1.     Specialized Training plans

Dog pet sitters understand the need for personalized training for all different breeds of dogs. They know how to handle each dog breed separately to train them more effectively and efficiently. Further, they create a customized training plan for each dog by focusing on the furry pal’s weaknesses and discipline. This teaches obedience to your dog without instilling any anxiety in them.

2.     Convenience

Dog pet sitters in Lakewood Co's range of services provide diversity and convenience to pet owners of all types. Whether you want to train your dog or just want someone to look after your dog, these professionals are perfect for all these types of tasks. Hiring a professional instead of just training your dog yourself is better.

3.     Knowledge and Skills

Training your pet in such a way that they become obedient and training them for security reasons is an important task and requires lots of care, knowledge, and skills. Dog pet sitter has a lot of experience training several different types of dogs and know what pinpoints can help train your dog. Besides training your dog, they offer several recommendations and suggestions, such as personalized diet plans and exercises.

End Note

Selecting the best guard dog for your home security is only the first step; proper training is essential to ensure they can effectively protect your family. Our list of top breeds have unique strengths that make them excellent guardians but that comes only with proper training.

To harness these strengths, hiring a professional dog pet sitter in Lakewood, CO, can provide specialized training plans, convenience, and expert knowledge. With the right training, your guard dog can become a disciplined protector and a loving companion.

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